I just watched the 2008 Apple WWDC keynote. The Iphone 3G looks to be the coolest smart phone to hit the market. The question is do you need it ? Even if you can afford it, will you burn more time playing with it than you should?
The Iphone solves the data communication problems of an extremely busy, extremely mobile person and makes the power available to almost every cell phone user. Do we need so much mobile power? Are smart phones an overkill?
Personally, I could list real world problems - then evaluate the Iphone for how it can help, rather than just think about how I could use it (that would be just justifying the purchase!)
First, let's see what I use my powerbook for:
• Reading email
• Sharing photos with family
• Reading news and blogs
• Online shopping
• Catalog and play music
• Driving directions
The Iphone can do the things above but they are certainly easier done on the powerbook if instant access is not required.
What do I use a cell phone for?
• To make or receive calls while I'm out
The real answer for you should depend on:
• How mobile are you? Do you have a long public transport commute?
• How much instant access do you need? If you want to show photos to a friend on a train, it can't be beat.
• How affordable is it for you? If the Iphone was free with the contract, everyone signing up with AT&T would get one.
• Do you carry an Ipod and a phone and have a spare digital camera in the car? It can be all of them.
So, should I get one? Hmm ...